Integrasi Layanan Bimbingan Konseling dan Pendidikan Islam dalam Upaya Mencegah Cyberbulying pada Siswa di Sekolah
Counseling Services; Islamic Education; Cyberbullying\Abstract
Counseling guidance in Islamic education can play an important role in reducing cyberbullying among students in schools. One way that can be done is by teaching religious values that teach about tolerance, taste, and respect for differences. Human resource management based on religious culture can help improve the quality of education and create humans who are devoted to the Almighty. In addition, it is also mentioned that Islamic religious education can help in overcoming juvenile delinquency, discussing the basics of counseling guidance that can help in providing religious guidance services in schools. In addition, it also discusses the tactics of moral akidah teachers in overcoming cyberbullying through instilling Islamic values in this study using literature review. Researchers use literature searches, this study is information that researchers seek by tracing the literature that is in accordance with the problems presented. Researchers seek information to solve problems that arise from reading various appropriate references. Testing credibility by using triangulation of different sources and times. Religious guidance can play an important role in reducing bullying by shaping moral values, empathy, and tolerance among students. Through this approach, students are expected to understand the importance of respecting differences and tolerance