The Urgency of Counseling Services by Applying Centhini Fiber in Forming the Wisdom Character of Prospective Counselors


  • Widya Kartika Sari Universitas Pof Dr Hazairin Bengkulu Author
  • Heni Sulusyawati Universitas Pof Dr Hazairin Bengkulu Author
  • Yuanita Dwi Krisphianti Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Author
  • Muya Barida Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Author
  • Dian Ari Widyastuti Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Author
  • Agus Supriyanto Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Author


Guidance and Counseling; Fiber Chentini; Wisdom; Counselor


This research is based on conditions in the field and existing literature that the urgency of guidance and counseling (BK) services in the education of prospective counselors is increasingly relevant considering the challenges in forming wise character (wisdom) that counselors need. Wise character includes the ability to think reflectively, be empathetic, and make ethical decisions—traits that are indispensable in the counseling profession. One approach that can be applied to shape this character is to integrate local wisdom values, as found in Centhini Fiber. Centhini Fiber, as a Javanese literary work rich in moral teachings and life values, provides guidance on patience, self-control, introspection, and respect for differences, which is in line with the need for wise character in counselor education. This research aims to analyze the urgency and relevance of implementing values Centhini Fiber in counseling services as an effort to form wisdom character in prospective counselors. The method used is literature study to identify internal values Centhini Fiber which is in accordance with the principles of character education and counseling guidance. The results of the study show that the values ​​in Centhini Fiber has great potential to shape the character of prospective counselors who are not only technically competent, but also have a strong ethical foundation. As well as Guidance and Counseling services that are integrated with values Centhini Fiber can be an effective alternative in forming counselors who are wise, empathetic and have high cultural sensitivity. This supports the creation of quality counseling services that are more meaningful and have a positive impact




How to Cite

The Urgency of Counseling Services by Applying Centhini Fiber in Forming the Wisdom Character of Prospective Counselors. (2024). INTERNASIONAL SEMINAR OF ISLAMIC COUNSELING AND EDUCATION SERIES, 1(1), 100-109.