Integration of Impact Counseling Guided Imagery Technique with Qs. Al-Imron Verse 139 to Reduce Student Insecurity


  • Diyah Febriana State Islamic University of Salatiga Author
  • Lilik Sriyanti State Islamic University of Salatiga Author


Impact Counseling Guided Imagery Tecnical; QS. Al-Imron; Insecurity


The aim of the research is to find out how effective the impact counseling integration service is with guided imagery techniques with Qs. Al-Imron verse 139 to reduce student insecurity. This type of research is experimental. This research uses quantitative methods with a pretest posttest control group design research design. The subjects studied were class Sampling used a purposive sampling technique, namely based on the results of the high category of insecure attitude pretest. The data collection technique uses an insecure scale. Data analysis techniques use descriptive statistics and t-test. The results of the quality test variable explain that the t-count > t-table test results are 11.635 > 2.101 and the significance value (2-tailed) is 0.000 < 0.05. The results of calculating the gain score showed that the average pretest and posttest scores for the control group were 75.5 and 79.3, while the average pretest and posttest scores for the experimental group were 86.5 and 47.8. Based on the results of hypothesis testing and gain score calculations, it can be concluded that the integration of impact counseling guided imagery techniques with Qs. Al-Imron verse 139 is effective for reducing insecurity




How to Cite

Integration of Impact Counseling Guided Imagery Technique with Qs. Al-Imron Verse 139 to Reduce Student Insecurity. (2024). INTERNASIONAL SEMINAR OF ISLAMIC COUNSELING AND EDUCATION SERIES, 1(1), 110-117.