Multicultural Counseling Competency for the Effektivenes of LGBTQ+ Counseling
Multicultural counseling competencies are very helpful for counselors in helping LGBTQ+ groups because multicultural competencies can achieve an understanding of the client's culturally diverse worldview. In the midst of societal rejection, the LGBTQ+ community has a significant and complex impact on the mental health of its members. Social stigma, discrimination, and lack of acceptance from the general public often result in severe psychological distress for LGBTQ+ individuals. On the other hand, counselors should not judge the clients with whom they work. The research method of this study is qualitative through the use of library research. This article aims to describe the multicultural competencies a counselor should have when working with LGBTQ+ clients. The findings show that the competencies counselors need to have when counseling LBTQ+ groups are (a) an understanding of LGBTQ+ (b) counselor self-awareness (c) client worldview (d) the counseling relationship (e) counseling and advocacy interventions (f) Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) skills. Multicultural competence means that counselors address not only sexual orientation, but also self-acceptance, relationships, personality, culture, client acceptance, and client identity in order to facilitate the counseling process