Peran Konselor Dalam Mencegah Kasus Bunuh Diri Pada Remaja


  • Anida Silma Wildeni Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Author
  • Suci Agnesa Sasri Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Author
  • Zahratul Jannah Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Author


Counselor; Suicide; Adolescent; Mental Health


This research aims to analyze the role of counselors in preventing suicide among adolescents, which is a serious problem in today's society. is a serious problem in today's society. In Indonesia, suicide is a case that gets more attention. Suicide attempts in adolescents after 7-12 years as much as 46.82%. The method used is literature study and data analysis from various journals, focusing on the phenomenon of suicide, which is influenced by several factors. which is influenced by several factors. The results showed the role of counselors to adolescents often face pressure from various aspects, such as family problems, economics, breakups, which can trigger the desire to commit suicide to commit suicide. Counselors play an important role in identifying at-risk students, providing emotional support, and conducting appropriate interventions. Through individual, group, and class




How to Cite

Peran Konselor Dalam Mencegah Kasus Bunuh Diri Pada Remaja. (2024). INTERNASIONAL SEMINAR OF ISLAMIC COUNSELING AND EDUCATION SERIES, 1(1), 145-155.