About the Journal
About the Journal
ISICES Proceedings (e-ISSN : -------------) is the output of activities International Seminar of Islamic Counseling and Education Series (ISICES). This conference was the first agenda carried out by students of the Guidance and Counseling of Islamic Education Study Programme, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.
ISICES is a forum to increase the insights, knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes of guidance and counseling stakeholders and the wider community. This first conference raised the thema “It Is Time to Talk Mental Healt and Islamic Perspective in Counseling Service”. The host warmly invites researchers, academics, practitioners, and students of Guidance and Counseling to submit their papers having relevance to the theme and Conference scope :
Mental health in inclusive schools
Special population counseling and mental health
Trauma counseling and mental health
Contemporary and group counseling approaches in realizing mental health
Guidance and counseling assessment and mental health
Program and management of counseling services to achieve mental health
The influence of culture and technology on mental health
Family counseling in realizing mental health
Please click on relevant links in this website for further information on abstract and paper submission or for other information related to the conference.
This conference is published and managed by the Guidance and Counseling of Islamic Education Study Programme, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
We look forward to meeting with you at ISICES 2024!